July 30, 2021
Loss of opportunity for the manager
With sentence 1940/21, the Court of Milan – Labor Section applied the principle expressed by the Court of Cassation in order no. 2293 of 01/30/2018 on the subject of the manager’s right to compensation for damages due to the employer company’s failure to set objectives. In the present case, the request of a manager was accepted, for the assessment and declaration of...Read More

July 15, 2021
Fideiussioni omnibus: decidono le Sezioni Unite
The validity of the omnibus sureties to guarantee banking transactions, issued on the basis of the scheme prepared in 2003 by the ABI – Italian Banking Association – is still the subject of discussion among insiders. Our Francesco Resta has analyzed and selected for us the main rulings as well as the comments on the matter which focus in particular on articles 2,6 and 8 of...Read More

July 8, 2021
Cozzi and Ciriello, of Counsel of TL Partners
We are pleased to announce the entry into our team of Cassation lawyers Camilla Cozzi (in the photo on the left) and Corinne Ciriello (in the photo on the right), both as of Counsel. Camilla mainly deals with family law, minors and succession law in its various meanings: from cases of adoption, separation, divorce, prenuptial agreements, cohabitation contracts, name change and sex...Read More

June 25, 2021
The new rules of conduct of the CNCDEC to the test of the provisions issued in the face of the health emergency
On 18 December 2020, the CNDCEC made available the definitive version of the new rules of conduct of the Board of Statutory Auditors of unlisted companies, in force from 1 January 2021. The document integrates and updates the previous 2015 version to take into account the relevant regulatory changes occurred in the last five years. The new body of rules already applies upon approval...Read More

June 17, 2021
TL Partners in the development of the SVEVO brand of SOMMA & C.
Tax & Legal Partners assisted SOMMA & C. in the activities aimed at the revaluation of the SVEVO brand. The SVEVO brand is inextricably linked to the history of the Somma family, which in the last century managed to transform its manufacturing talent into a real Art of Knitwear. Pioneer of this enterprise is Nicola Somma, a skilled merchant who arrived in the city of Bari in...Read More

June 15, 2021
The dismissal of the manager in the time of Covid: lights and shadows
A few days after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the decree law 18/2020 c.d. Cura Italia introduced to the art. 46 a general prohibition to carry out dismissals for g.m.o. individual and collective, in order to prevent the economic consequences of the health emergency from translating into the immediate suppression of jobs. The period of the block, initially foreseen for a single...Read More