July 8, 2022
The future of NFTs. Possible tax and accounting frameworks and treatment for VAT purposes
Introduction The NFT market is in a slight crisis: this is what can be deduced from the first quarterly report of 2022, published by the “nonfungible.com” website. Indeed, key points in the report explicitly state that “The general public seems to be losing interest in NFTs, if Google search volume is to be believed…Resale profit volume is down 3% while total loss volume...Read More

June 23, 2022
Reduced and super-reduced VAT rates. Directive 2006/112/EC
On 5 April 2022, Directive 2022/542/EU was ratified by the Council of the European Union, which updates the previous directives 2006/112/EC and 2020/285/EU which govern the concession of reduced rates of Value Added (VAT). The revision of the rules introduced more than two decades ago, based on the principle of taxation in the country of origin, became necessary to adapt them to the...Read More

June 13, 2022
Tax & Legal Partners opens in Bologna with VTN
From 1 June 2022, Tax & Legal Partners has started a collaboration with VTN Avvocati Associati, a Bologna-based boutique specialized in legal consultancy in the fields of Assets, Trusts, the Third Sector and Art Law. Through this agreement, TL Partners thus strengthens its Asset management and family businesses practice which is enriched with new skills in the field of the third...Read More

June 6, 2022
New Patent Box: what changes, here are the new rules
The Tax Decree and the 2022 Budget Law introduced important innovations in the scope of application of the Patent box, which initially became part of our legal system in 2015 For the Patent Box regime, introduced for the first time in our legal system in 2015, the time has come for a profound restyling: the first significant changes introduced by the “Tax Decree”...Read More

May 12, 2022
NFTs and IPs
The first lawsuits in the USA bring out the legal problems on the protection of trademarks and copyrights The Metaverse and the related phenomenon of tokenization – in particular the so-called. NFT or Non Fungible Token – have now become concepts of our daily life, even if still not easy to understand. In particular, by Metaverse we mean a 3D virtual world within which, by means...Read More

April 27, 2022
The divorce allowance still exists
In 2017, the Cassation (Cass. 11504/2017), in assessing the debt of the divorce allowance, sanctioned the principle of self-sufficiency of the spouses at the end of the marriage with the exclusion of the parameter of maintaining the standard of living enjoyed during the marriage , establishing that this applies only to those without income and unable to work through no fault of their...Read More